Do you really want to do that one thing that can elevate your genius?
Then what is the problem?
Is it lack of focus or time?
Or is it “straight up fear?”

Do you want to find the brainspace to focus to discern what it is that only you can do?
Do you wish you had insight into a process that would create the sense of urgency to verbalize your dream action?
Do you need to cut out some distractions so that you can realize the clear picture of your next genius step?
Do you have 48 hours to invest in yourself?
Does it excite you to take a confident step and know you are in the right place?
Did you say "yes?"
Join a Genieus Retreat.
In one short retreat, you come together to work with a small group of people driven to discover their own next best step.
A group of people just as interested in taking action now as you are - and want to get traction asap.
“Yes People” takes on a whole new meaning.
Genieus Retreats redefine what it means to be a “yes person” and clarifies when you need to say “no.”

Benefits of saying “yes” to a Genieus Retreat
leave with your own Genieus Masterplan focused on YOUR “yes” that you have waited to do.
create your own personal Genieus Masterplan which defines the steps for your "yes."
curate the clear objectives and targets with the steps outlined and at least initial steps completed. You also will have edited out your “no” responses so that obstacles are either already put behind you - or you have significant traction on how to eliminate them.
have communicated with a cohort of new colleagues who will be encouragers, accountability partners and sounding boards.
So WHY a Genieus Retreat?
Your genius may just need a little genie magic to ACTUATE the POSSIBLE.
By the way, if you are looking for a calm, yoga retreat, sadly this is not it and I am not certified. However, I can direct you to someone for that. Here, we will be casual, yet intentional, making the most of the luxury of our time together.
Not for the faint of heart - fast paced, free-thinking and innovative in approach. You will leave expressing your own genius!
Experience ways to help others show their genius and strengthen yours in the process
Have in your “pocket” quick, usable ways to express your genius and engage others in doing the same to expedite traction